Monday, January 11, 2010

Goal #2: Prioritize & Organize

Although my efforts to prioritize & organize throughout the year are great in some areas, there are other areas where they seriously lack. So one of my goals was to bring these back-burner issues to the front burner, if you will, and deal with them head-on, right now. And so it's time to face the dragon of finances.

Some, like me, cringe when they think of investing, RRSPs, equities, stocks, bonds...eek. This feeling is one reasons why I made it a point to start here. It's been put off for way too long and I have way too many RRSP accounts open to know what to do with.

So my first plan of action was to find out why I felt the way I did about finances. Now that we're half-a-month into the new year, I'm realizing that it's not because I didn't want to deal with it, it was because I didn't know how to. I have little to no knowledge when it comes to letting my money work for me so it was that fear of not knowing that prevented me from moving forward. So it's about time I did. I'm also feeling a little riskier these days (I blame the big birthday coming up this year) so investing in something other than GICs, really excites me.

But it's funny; Even though my 'left brain' is working overtime with numbers and logic, I couldn't help but step back and notice my account balance sheets. The colour, layout, and the design all played a part in how I "felt" about a certain account and ultimately (or subconsciously), was affecting how I made my decisions. There were certain ones I couldn't wait to transfer my money from and others I didn't want to transfer out of.

Scary to think that identity plays that role in everything we have our eyes on, isn't it? ;) That really goes to show how important it is to have a well-designed identity. It can make or break how your clients feel, even before they really get to know who the company is and what they're all about. And you all know what they say about first impressions...

Well, my attempt at staying in 'left brain' didn't stick very long but it's interesting how it all played out and worked together.

Oh and if you happened to miss Goal #1, I encourage you to follow along and please feel free to share your own goals with me!

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